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Zebrista vs Lemlist

On boardingFully assisted on-boarding on zoom call.No on-boarding at all
Dedicated SupportAvailable as and when needed at click of a button on Zoom callOnly chat support (most of the times the response is "unable to understand, please elaborate")
Run time ProspectingAvailableImport option only
User ExperienceEasy to useComplicated
Editable templatesAvailableNo templates
Real time prospectingPossibleNot Possible
Team UseAutomated & Simple, with no manual interventions and available in trial plan as wellNot available in trial plan
End-to-end AutomationPossibleNot Possible
UtilitiesAvailable with lot of nodes to choose fromlimited, restricting ease of use
Software QualityBug freeBuggy (Shows invite sent and accepted to members that you are already connected to, and more.)
Real-time activity access and updatesAvailableMissing
Prospect Status & ProgressAvailable for each stageNot available
False Positive ResponsesQuick action button available to re-introduce the prospect in the workflow at exit nodeNot available
Contact Finder IntegrationsIntegrated with various contact finders such as Apollo, Snov.io, RocketReach, DropContact, Hunter and many more.Not Integrated
Integration with Zero BounceAvailableNot available