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One Plan, One Pricing - $150/month

  • Unlimited LinkedIn Data Extraction
  • Unlimited LinkedIn Campaigns - Invites & Messages
  • Unlimited Email Campaigns
  • Hyper-personalized Messages
  • Automated Profile Search & Views
  • Automatic List Building
  • Automatic Data Enrichment
  • Advanced Filters
  • Email Open & Click Tracking
  • Reply Detection and Auto-Removal from Campaign
  • CSV Export

Book a demo and avail 1 month free trial

(No credit card required)

Zebrista replaces 4 to 5 different apps

Zebrista Logo


  • Does LinkedIn Automation
  • Crunchbase Pro account - Not required
  • Built-in Email Finders - Apollo, DropContact, Snov.io, etc.
  • Built-in Email Validator - Zero Bounce
  • Does Email Campaigns - with Drip, Delay, Filter, etc. nodes

Everything integrated in a single platform

LinkedIn LinkedIn Automation
Crunchbase Crunchbase Pro
Email Finder Email Finder
Email Validator Email Validator
Email Campaigner Email Campaigner

Plus headache of linking so many apps together.